So, I just got a call from an author while I was reading her book. How Random is that? Well, maybe not random, because I do try to read at least some of the new books as they're comming out. And this one is on garbage - which is pretty central to our work at the Ecology Center. But still - It's nice to know that synergy is in play.
The book is "Gone Tomorrow: the Hidden Life of Garbage" and it's great so far! check it out.
Others that I've read recently and recommend:
"King of Fish" - a fantastic natural history of Salmon
"Introduction to Water in California" - a great history of California's water, human impact, dams, and water policy.
"Deep Water" - another Dam book - this one international, and written in a narative format about three people who work around dams.
"Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norell" - but that's not an ecology book and we don't sell it (however it is wonderful!)