Sunday, December 12, 2004



We're having tons of fun around here this holiday season. We've passed our big outside events. We were at the San Francisco Green Festival again this year, and had fun talking to THOUSANDS! of people. We also got to go to Bioneers, which was inspiring in spite of the rain.

We've also had a couple of wonderful authors around - Starhawk was here a few weeks ago for a wonderfully uplifting discussion about her new book, politics, activism, and life in a complicated world. Also, just last friday, Michael Nagler, a professor of peace and conflict studies at UC Berkeley came to speak with a very involved crowd about non-violence, and his new book.

Our glass, as expected has been a huge hit with holiday gift buyers. We have a large selection of 100% recycled glass, and also a selection of glass that's even better. It's re-used. Bottles have been cut to form the goblets and tumbler, the necks of the bottles are heated and re-shaped, and both are decorated. They're beautiful and have a wonderfully minimal impact on the planet.

thanks for listening!
Happy Holidays!
